EPISODE 443. Broadcast on June 16, 2013.
girlfriday: The boys gather outside KBS for a new trip, and there's a big fanfare over props today. Either it's a special, or someone just really wanted to empty out the prop truck.
javabeans: I would like to take this moment to point out that if you call everything a special, nothing is a special.
girlfriday: Stop bringing logic into this. We'll never get through the hour. Of particular interest to the boys is a suspiciously giant cardboard box sitting off to the side.

javabeans: They go around listing who they'd all wish were in that box, as though some star would actually be crouching inside to pop out, cake style. Yes, BoA is really going to be sitting there in a cardboard box to be a surprise.
girlfriday: The wishes go from the usual (girl groups) to ridiculous (Tae-hyun says he wishes Iron Man were in the box. The other guys: "Robert Downey Jr.?" Tae-hyun: "No, Iron Man").
javabeans: Instead, a bunch of yellow balloons and a banner pop out, and New PD announces that today's concept is "Bokbulbok Trip." Not to pick a nit, but is that not rather like saying this trip's concept is "1 Night 2 Days Trip"?

girlfriday: Well that was a waste of a box. They bring out a whiteboard that has a mad-libs-style trip description on it, which makes me think they should've just called it a Mad Libs Trip, but whatever. So everything about their trip today will depend on how those blanks get filled, from where they're headed to how much money they get, and how they'll get there.
javabeans: The first step is to bring out the cast's "people"—managers, stylists, etc. They write down their hometowns, one of which will be today's destination. Then the boys are told to select one of the water basins to stand under, ha. Each has a string attached and the boys assume that some have water and some don't, but they double-take to hear that SIX will have water. Not really the ratio they were hoping for.
girlfriday: One by one they pull the string, each cringing and expecting the worst.
javabeans: I do like the slo-mo shots that make the water look like one solid alien thing.

girlfriday: Yeah when it's hovering and they're shrinking away, unaware of the blob above.
javabeans: Okay, so Joo-won gets showered with flower petals, which is just poetic for the flower boy.
girlfriday: It's perfect. You couldn't have had a better photo finish.
javabeans: Ha, Joo-won's entire team is from Seoul or nearby, save for one guy way in the south. Seoul trips tend to be more comfortable for the boys, don't they? Less stress (and way less travel).

girlfriday: It'd be fun if they just crashed Hae-jin's house or something, if they're just staying in Seoul.
javabeans: New PD admits he didn't count on such odds, since staying in Seoul is less interesting from his standpoint, but he's locked into the bokbulbok. A huuuuge die is rolled to determine which team member we're going with, and we get Joo-won. Who's from Seoul. HA.
girlfriday: Hahaha.
javabeans: I think the cast reaction is twofold: one, Yay less travel! Two, Muahahah PD, eat that!

girlfriday: The PD pulls a "So that's how you roll the die!" to get them to roll it again, so they do… and it lands on Joo-won one more time. LOL.
javabeans: Next, a game to determine whether they ride in dinky clown car, or luxury RV. The game is to fall backward into one of two pools, either containing water or those plastic balls. They choose plastic balls, because I think today's theme is really New PD's bad luck. And then Jong-min for no reason shoves Tae-woong into the water pool, because he has a death wish.
girlfriday: Well, I was disappointed that no one fell into the pool of water, just waiting there. Next they have to pick the criterion for basecamp, like "a town that has ___" and the guys throw out: "Hotel?" "Pretty girls?" They decide to go with college campus and camping grounds as possible options, and spin a fan to decide.
javabeans: I'm trying to figure out why a valley is such a great choice, because the boys rejoice and the PD grimaces. Where in Seoul would that be?

girlfriday: I'm thinking they pretty much mean: find a stream at the foot of a mountain. Next they have to choose their team uniforms, and the PD looks happy again. I'm guessing there are some parkas and moonsuits in those lockers. The boys make Hae-jin pick, because then he can be responsible and they can't give the hyung too much lip about it.
javabeans: New PD actually has this facial "OH NO" expression when Hae-jin picks simple 1N2D T-shirts. Ha. It's really not his day. They open the other lockers to see school uniforms and ajumma flower pants.
girlfriday: They offer to do a second round to pick individual add-ons. There's totally a parka in one of those.

javabeans: Tae-woong picks first and gets lucky with school uniform. Su-geun picks flower pants… and a curly wig, haha. The wig is way worse than the pants.
girlfriday: The rest of the boys start to worry because Hae-jin says that's actually one of the better options.
javabeans: HAHA, Shi-kyung picks this black tank top that comes with the note: "Plus face graffiti by the other cast members." It comes with wig and flower pants too. Tae-hyun just dies giggling—I think his reaction is the best part.
girlfriday: Hee, he's giggling and dancing and skipping. Are we gonna get another Shi-kyung the Flower Reaper?

javabeans: Tae-hyun has the choice between two, and because Hae-jin knows what's in the lockers he totally starts to fuck with his mind. He decides to choose with Hae-jin's suggestion and against Shi-kyung's… and gets the parka.
girlfriday: HA. God, he really does have the worst luck.
javabeans: Even so, Tae-hyun seems relieved when he sees what's in the last locker—Jong-min gets a sparkly gigolo jacket. I'm gonna say Joo-won really has the best luck. They all come out wearing their uniforms to the song "Sexy Boy." I do think Su-geun looks pretty crazy, as in literally unhinged. The pelvic thrusting isn't helping. Dude, Shi-kyung comes out totally embarrassed but I must be crazy cuz I think he's hot. I mean, he looks like an idiot, but he's rocking that wig and the muscle tank.

girlfriday: Hahaha. Now I'm thinking YOU'RE unhinged. Shi-kyung should bare his arms more often though, I'll give you that.
javabeans: Next is the game for allowance money, which involves two things I am really really tired of. One, the green tea vs. bitter tea game (standbys are fine, but can we maybe rotate them?). Two, IDOL GUESTS. Bleh.
girlfriday: Are we never going to get another episode without guest stunt-casting?

javabeans: Also, it's pointless guest-casting since the 4minute girls serve little purpose—their roles could have been fulfilled by VJs or coordis. Then the cast goes indoors to finish the tea drinking battles—each time they inflict the bad tea upon the guests, they win a tiny bit of allowance money. Inside, they run into Chansung, so they make Joo-won go up against his old co-star. I don't know from what, some show they did ages ago that I don't know about and never saw.
girlfriday: Never heard of it. I love the running bear-hug though, even if I have no idea how they know each other.
javabeans: I guess all of 2PM is there, since I see Nichkhun and Taec too. Sayuri appears to be a big fan of Tae-hyun, and aw, does she actually pick the bad tea on purpose to give him the good one? That's cute. Okay, also cute is the way Shi-kyung is totally wearing his crazy hippy ajusshi look—when he's asked why he's dressed like this, he deadpans, "I enjoy going out like this normally."
girlfriday: I know, it's growing on me now that he has the goatee drawn on.

javabeans: You know, I just really like Shi-kyung. I think that's the crux of it.
girlfriday: Yeah, pretty much.
javabeans: I want to marry him.
girlfriday: Okay. *confetti*

javabeans: So the guys trawl the KBS building collecting pennies from every tea battle won. Is Yoo PD no longer with the show? That's too bad, I liked her. They run into her in the studio at her new job, and rope her into a tea battle.
girlfriday: Yeah I miss her. Basically I miss any PD who isn't New PD. They end up collecting 9000 won for their trip, which isn't much of anything. They can at least buy snacks, if gas is paid for. They spin another wheel to decide a stop along the way, which lands on "A member's home." This is REALLY not New PD's day. And then the final thing is whether or not they'll have to work some kind of event, like a wedding or birthday party, or any gathering of more than 20 people. They get lucky again and don't have to work at all, and Joo-won just straight-up asks the PD: "So what're we doin' today?" Ha.
javabeans: I think they'll be hanging out in Joo-won's room playing video games and being fed by Mom. The PDs have a last-minute huddle session and come back with the announcement that there'll be one cast member ditched today, since I guess they need some challenge.

girlfriday: So then they go through a whole other round of spinny wheels and choices to determine the challenge.
javabeans: Wow, this is getting looooong. My eyes are glazing over.
girlfriday: I know. I was fine with it when it was the basic stuff, but this is turning into a mad-libs novel. Whoever gets left behind has to wear a Miss Korea costume, find CL, and ask her to wash his back. Uh…
javabeans: They went from too easy to too difficult/random. And neither extreme is that interesting. But they manage to get their ditchee in one go—Jong-min gets left out of the pack.

girlfriday: I can't believe how many rounds that giant water balloon survived, but in the end it just comes back around to Jong-min. He makes one ugly Miss Korea, but that's really the least of his worries today.
javabeans: They leave him behind and head off in their nice RV. Ultimately he's like, "Well I barged into the KBS president's meeting, what can't I do?"
girlfriday: Dude, it's true. After that, how hard could it be for him to call YG?
javabeans: The boys are mindful of Tae-hyun's wife being pregnant, but get her okay to head over to eat ramyun there. They use their allowance money to pick up a nice amount of snacks, and drive on. Jong-min does encounter a number of people who recognize him despite the pageant getup, and when a group of schoolgirls wonder whether to call him ajusshi he barks, "Oppa, oppa!" And then adds that he can be unni too. Just not ajusshi!

girlfriday: The boys arrive at Tae-hyun's house, which you just know is gonna be buckets of adorable. Everyone busts out their phones to take pictures of his daughter 'cause she's so cute.
javabeans: Shi-kyung stands back while they all coo over her, saying that he's afraid his looks will make her cry, ha. They find that wifey has set out side dishes and cooked rice for them ahead of time, which is sweet. Especially since he always makes comments that make me think she's not really a homemaker type who cooks a lot.
girlfriday: I love that Tae-hyun has become the poster man-boy for the guy who married his first love. The picture of them as teenagers is really cute.
javabeans: And how ridiculous is his trophy case? It's so packed with awards that it looks like it's the shelf where they store them before giving them out, rather than the stash of ONE actor.

girlfriday: It's kind of ridiculous. Yum, why does Shi-kyung's ramyun look so tasty?
javabeans: They dig in, and Shi-kyung reminds them that hyungsoo-nim, you know, made rice and all. It would be rude not to eat it. But rice is not in the provisions of this trip, so they have to bargain with the PD, with only a handful of change left to their name. Tae-hyun asks his wife to scoop them "350 won's worth" of rice, and hints to her that she "only" has to give them that much. She packs down the rice into the bowl and piles it high, and they're all, "Yeah, that's about right. That's a quarter's worth."
girlfriday: Aw, and then his son comes home just in time to give kisses before the boys run off.

javabeans: It's been a way rougher day for Jong-min, who has held up well, all things considered, but finally starts to break under the embarrassment the closer he gets to the YG offices. He rides the bus and chats with schoolgirls, but when people start staring and taking photos of him (as a freak show, not as a fun celeb), he gets all shy and hides behind a pillar. He picks a bad time to call his hyungs, too, since they're audibly slurping down their food while he's starving and alone.
girlfriday: Poor Jong-min. He finally makes it to YG after a really long tour of the city. Let's just hope 2NE1 is in there.
javabeans: Wait, this is really strange editing. I thought it was a long preview of next week, but now it looks like they're just chopping stuff up and skipping around.

girlfriday: I'm assuming it's a weirdly long preview, 'cause none of that stuff has happened yet.
javabeans: Are there no editing classes at PD school?
girlfriday: Maybe 1N2D is a prerequisite for PD school now?

- 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 442
- 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 441
- 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 440
- 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 439
- 1 Night 2 Days: Episode 438
Tags: 1N2D, Cha Tae-hyun, featured, Joo-won, Kim Jong-min, Lee Su-geun, Sung Shi-kyung, Uhm Tae-woong, Yoo Hae-jin